Actualités et connaissances sur l'Islam

Islamic toys and games

Si on se souvient de l’Aïd 2022 – et comment l’oublier ? – c'est un réel plaisir de pouvoir célébrer l'Aïd cette année en famille, sans les restrictions qui nous...

the Kaaba

Il n’y a aucun endroit sur Terre aussi vénéré, aussi central ou aussi saint pour autant de gens que La Mecque. Selon toute norme objective, cette vallée de la région...

Tips teach children arabic

Have you ever dreamt of opening the door to a rich and vibrant culture for your child?  Introduction The Arabic language, spoken by over 300 million people worldwide, contains a...

Mount Arafat Hajj Stopover

For Muslims worldwide, the Hajj pilgrimage is a cornerstone of faith, a once-in-a-lifetime journey of deep impact on the believer’s Imaan. Introduction Central to this pilgrimage is Mount Arafat, a...

islam view family

Families are the bedrock of every society. They provide love, support, and a foundation for individuals to thrive. Islam, one of the world's major religions, places immense importance on the...

Children Rights Islam

Islam, a religion emphasizing compassion and justice, places immense value on children. Understanding children's rights within Islamic teachings is crucial for raising healthy family dynamics and raising well-adjusted individuals. Introduction...